Bad Weather Delays SpaceX’s Psyche Mission to October 13

Bad Weather Delays SpaceX’s Psyche Mission to October 13

The launch of NASA's Psyche asteroid mission has been delayed until 10:19 a.m. EDT (1419 GMT) on Friday (Oct. 13), to account for inclement weather that's barreling in from the Gulf of Mexico. Psyche, NASA's probe to explore a metal asteroid of the same name, was scheduled to launch on Thursday morning (Oct. 12) on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Pad 39A here at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. However, during a prelaunch press briefing on Wednesday (Oct. 11) , bleak predictions for the next morning’s forecast left only a 20% chance of favorable weather conditions. As Wednesday night’s storms blew in, the decision was made to forgo Thursday’s launch attempt to capitalize on the better weather predicted for launch windows on Friday and Saturday (Oct. 14). Arlena Moses, launch weathe...
Russian Nauka Module Faces ISS Leak Concerns

Russian Nauka Module Faces ISS Leak Concerns

The International Space Station (ISS) has encountered another leak, with the Russian Nauka module suspected as the source. This leak appears to involve coolant from a backup radiator on the Nauka module. Flight controllers first noticed flakes from one of the Nauka radiators using cameras aboard the orbiting laboratory. The crew was then directed to investigate, and NASA astronaut Jasmin Moghbeli confirmed the issue from the windows of the Cupola module. As a precaution, window shutters on the US segment of the ISS were closed to prevent any potential contamination, although the crew is not in any immediate danger. The challenge lies in addressing the problem and restoring redundancy, as losing the backup radiator is less than ideal. According to the Russian space agency Roscosmos, ...
Falcon Heavy: NASA’s New Dependable Rocket from SpaceX

Falcon Heavy: NASA’s New Dependable Rocket from SpaceX

NASA is entering a new era with SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket as the go-to choice for launching a variety of missions. The launch of the Psyche asteroid mission marks the first of five reserved launches on the Falcon Heavy for NASA, covering a range of robotic space missions. These include deep space probes, a flagship-class astronomical observatory, a weather satellite, and a key component for NASA's Gateway lunar space station. The Falcon Heavy, although surpassed in terms of payload capacity by NASA's Space Launch System and SpaceX's Starship, remains the world's most powerful operational commercial rocket. It has achieved a flawless track record since its debut in 2018, making it a reliable choice for NASA's missions. This commitment to the Falcon Heavy comes despite the impendin...
Perseverance Rover Captures 1.2-Mile-High Dust Devil in Action on Mars

Perseverance Rover Captures 1.2-Mile-High Dust Devil in Action on Mars

On August 30th, 2023, during its 899th Martian day (sol 899) of the mission, NASA's Perseverance rover made an intriguing discovery as it explored the Jezero Crater on Mars. It captured images of a dust devil, a common phenomenon on the Martian surface. These images were obtained using one of the rover's Navigation Cameras (NavCams) and were compiled into a video sequence composed of 21 frames, taken at four-second intervals and sped up by a factor of 20. Dust devils on Mars are similar to the small, short-lived whirlwinds seen on Earth. They form when pockets of hot air near the Martian surface rise rapidly through the cooler air above. The study of these dust devils provides valuable insights into Mars' atmosphere and aids in the improvement of Martian weather models. The parti...
Researchers Utilize Webb and SOFIA Telescopes to Study Metallic Asteroid

Researchers Utilize Webb and SOFIA Telescopes to Study Metallic Asteroid

Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) scientists are utilizing advanced telescopes to conduct infrared observations of the asteroid Psyche, offering valuable insights for NASA's upcoming Psyche mission. Dr. Stephanie Jarmak is utilizing the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to search for water signatures on Psyche's metallic surface, while Dr. Anicia Arredondo is analyzing some of the last data collected by the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) to examine variations in Psyche's composition across its surface. Psyche is a substantial asteroid with a diameter of approximately 140 miles, making it one of the largest objects in the main asteroid belt situated between Mars and Jupiter. Previous observations have indicated that Psyche is a dense, predominantly metallic o...