Tag: SpaceX

Falcon Heavy: NASA’s New Dependable Rocket from SpaceX

Falcon Heavy: NASA’s New Dependable Rocket from SpaceX

NASA is entering a new era with SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket as the go-to choice for launching a variety of missions. The launch of the Psyche asteroid mission marks the first of five reserved launches on the Falcon Heavy for NASA, covering a range of robotic space missions. These include deep space probes, a flagship-class astronomical observatory, a weather satellite, and a key component for NASA's Gateway lunar space station. The Falcon Heavy, although surpassed in terms of payload capacity by NASA's Space Launch System and SpaceX's Starship, remains the world's most powerful operational commercial rocket. It has achieved a flawless track record since its debut in 2018, making it a reliable choice for NASA's missions. This commitment to the Falcon Heavy comes despite the impendin...